Whitney Ladd: 7 Gifts from God - Balance Part 1

Monday, August 18, 2014

7 Gifts from God - Balance Part 1

Merry Meet! I briefly described balance as daily practices in different areas to help balance life. Today I think I will start with a daily spiritual practice. That might be hard for some people to start off with but it really is very important. I know I pray and talk to God all day long, but I think there is more to it than just prayer. Some people like to have a daily study using a bible or devotional, some perform a ritual of sorts, some people practice meditation with or without yoga, some people have an extended amount of prayer time set aside daily to really spend the one on one with God instead of, or in addition to, prayer throughout the day. I think any and all of these are great. My posts will not be geared toward Christianity as I think people of all faiths or non-faiths could benefit from the information and it can work alongside any religion or spiritual path. 

For me personally, I choose quiet meditation on a daily basis. I try to get up each morning and have that time with God to sit, be still, feel his love energy pour over me and really listen to what He may have to reveal to me that day. Sometimes I'm given an answer to a problem that maybe I didn't see before, sometimes I'm just given a peace and know that God will take care of whatever I'm facing. Other times I'm given clear instructions almost like a to-do list of things that will benefit me and most of the time others as well. Often times I'm given inspirations and always I feel refreshed and ready to get active with my day knowing I'm starting it off right. There are days when I have just a bad day and it seems like things just won't go my way; on those mornings when I meditate I'm reminded to stay grateful and keep a positive attitude and that normally helps keep my perspective on the things around me in check and help keep me from feeling all doom and gloom. 

I would highly recommend a morning meditation daily to help set your day off. I get up and move into the living-room (so I don't fall back asleep) and sit on the couch wrapped up in my blanket and get still. Some days are harder than others to clear the thoughts in my mind but for the most part its pretty simple. I start by getting good and grounded by imagining roots, like tree roots, coming from my spine and digging deep, the key is to imagine and feel the earth around you, and then I release my thoughts into the ground. Next I imagine God's love and light pouring down on me from above and filling my body with love and light and follow it through all the way down the roots. I do this as long as I need to to feel good and "clean" and clear. Sometimes I have to repeat "be still" in my mind on the tough days, borrowed from "be still and know that I AM God". 

By this time I just try to listen to thoughts that float in or feelings that come in, you don't have to question it, just feel it. If I'm really struggling, by this point I feel God sucking all of the confusion, questions or problems out of me. Sometimes people feel the need to tell God all about their problems, but He already knows them. He's always with you and experiences the things you experience so He does know. I feel like repeating all the problems to Him while in a prayerful state is almost like telling Him you don't believe He's always there. You don't have to repeat or relive all your problems or concerns to God, He knows them and will just suck them right out of you, IF you let Him. I find the experience to be so refreshing! All the pain, worry, heartache, whatever I'm feeling, just floats away and I'm left feeling peaceful because after He takes it all I can then feel Him replacing it with peace and love. Some people may still feel the need to tell God all about it, and that's fine, of course He'll listen to it all before taking it from you, if you give it to Him after you've told Him all about it. 

(I need to mention that sometimes he doesn't take it because people feel the need to hold onto their problems because they've had them so long that they don't know anything different. They have let their problems define who and what they are and if they let them go they think they will lose their identity and their idea of themselves; the truth is if they are willing to let all that go God will show them who they really are and guide them to be their true selves and to be happy again without all the problems and drama. God is truly that AWESOME!)

I recently started meditation daily, it used to be reserved for when I felt I really needed it and so each time is different now but I do feel a great benefit from a daily practice. I still talk to God all day long and pray all the time but I have already seen changes taking place in my life as a result of a daily practice and I plan to continue. I think it will just be a part of who I AM now. God has helped me through so many situations and one day I will share my full cancer story on here and all the Miracles God has done for me in my life. He can and will help you through anything! I suggest trying to take 20 minutes out of your morning, or anytime of the day, to give to God. See and feel the changes He will make for you, it really is an awesome and magical way to live. We are all blessed, only some choose to see it more than others, He will help you to see them as well and help you connect all the dots and points of light that He works in your life, when you spend one on one time with Him, as you'll see when I share my story. 

Please share your thoughts, questions and experiences below....I'd love to hear from you! Love and Blessing!
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