Thursday, February 27, 2014

Chemo Do's & Dont's


I'm sure you were given a ton of information like I was about cancer & chemo but if you are anything like me, I wasn't interested in reading any of it at the time. The Do's and Don'ts I've listed are things you'll probably be able to find in the information but I've tried to hit the highlights here as well as some things I discovered along the way.

DO: Go home after treatment and rest up, especially your first treatment. Everyone reacts differently to chemo and for me the first one was the worst. So go home and get ready to just relax; your body may not react very pleasantly to treatment so it’s better to be prepared for that comfy in your p.j.'s with a good meal and some movies. After you find out how your body reacts to chemo you'll be better prepared for future treatments and you'll know if you have to go straight home or if you'll be ok.
DON'T: Eat raw fruits and vegetables. Your white blood cell count will drop after chemo and your body won’t be able to fight off everyday germs anymore. The week after my first treatment I decided I would eat "healthy" by eating salads and fruits like grapes and apples; well that was a bad idea. I got very sick and after the fact my doctor tells me I'm to stay away from foods like that. Anything not cooked or peeled can carry germs and bacteria. So only eat cooked veggies and fruits that can be peeled like oranges and bananas.

DO: Get some sippy cups!! I know that sounds crazy but my mouth was so dry after chemo, which can lead to mouth sores (I've heard these are very painful but luckily I didn't experience this, I like to think this trick helped), and my throat was sore so I was constantly wanting something cold to drink, the colder the better. The problem with that is with chemo your tastes change and you will never know what you want to eat or drink and most drinks were suddenly way too sweet for me. I watered down my drinks to cut the sugary taste in juices and Gatorades. Try having a variety of drinks ready to go in sippy cups in the fridge, this makes for easy drinking without spilling and will hopefully help you stay hydrated and cut down on mouth sores.
DON'T: Get mad at yourself if you have a lack of energy or aren't able to go like you used to. It's difficult, but getting mad or frustrated won't help. Ask for help, lean on your support team to do things for you. If they are a part of your support team then they obviously don't mind helping so use them when you can't do for yourself. It’s not a sign of "weakness" to ask for help and I understand the feeling of just wanting to do it yourself but if you can't you can't and that's ok. Just try to stay positive and know it won't last.

DO: Buy a toddler toothbrush. My gums became so sensitive after chemo that brushing my teeth just became a painful and bloody endeavor, however, I was not going to go without brushing! I bought a toddler tooth brush and while it did take longer to brush, it wasn't nearly as painful. Your doctor or nurse may tell you about baking soda and water mixture to help with mouth sores, but it also helps with dry mouth and keeping your gums and teeth healthy.
DON'T: Forget to drink MiraLax. The side effects of chemo for me were painful at times and I had to have a white blood cell boosting shot after my treatments which were also painful. If you are taking pain pills while going through treatment, be sure to drink a glass or two of MiraLax each time you take a pill. Trust me, you'll thank me later. I found it easiest to drink with milk, but I prefer chocolate milk.

DO: Keep your body moisturized. Sometimes chemo can take a toll on your feet. It didn't happen to my until the very end of my treatments but I think if I would have kept an unscented lotion and socks on my feet while going through chemo it would have helped. Also keep lotion on your hands and try to find a good chapstick without a taste or smell to keep your lips hydrated as well. Another great idea to help keep you from getting dried out, a humidifier at night near you. This was a LIFE SAVER!!
DON'T: Forget to take care of your finger nails. Chemo can affect your finger nails too, I was highly freaked when I heard this but I made it through ok. Some things to know, if you have a habit of picking at or biting your finger nails, stop now! This allows for bacteria to get into your body which your body won't be able to fight. Also, do not get manicures or pedicures; I know it sounds like a great idea to help take care of your feet and hands but you run the risk of the tools used not getting as clean as you now need them to be. Instead, keep your nails short, but not too short, and I do not recommend using colored nail polish; some people do. I used Sally Hansen Complete Care, it is a little expensive but well worth it in my opinion, my nails did great and the clear shine made my nails look nice. I used this on my toes as well. And a side note, nail polish remover is not good to use on your nails while going through chemo, it can be drying and cause your nails to crack or split, to avoid this I just reapplied the clear polish without taking the old off and it worked great.

Please leave any tips you may have that helped get you through, together we can help each other make it through this battle. 


  1. It appears that this post is no longer active, but I will leave a comment just in case. The most important item (to me) that you left off is to drink at least a quart of water (liquid), especially 4-5 days after chemo to flush your system of the chemo medicine. I forgot to do this once and paid the price. It took much longer to "recover" from the chemo.

  2. and salt, oh i thought crackers would get me through the times i just did not want to eat. the cracks with salt just tore up my mouth and my gums. yea agree with the water, the more the better and start as early as you can. made a huge difference with me

  3. Ice lollies when your mouth is very dry are great

  4. I "discovered" a tea cocktail. I was on methotrexate for 4 years and dosed on sundays. Every Monday, I couldn't get near coffee, well the problem was at that time I was an auditor on the graveyard shift. So I used only BIGELOW teas, green tea with caffiene, but taste was so horrible, I covered it with orange tea, but I had (and still have) mouth sores so I added chamomile and BAM, liquid gold!!! Other brands didn't work for me, only Bigelow. I would make up a pot for work, 3-4 each for a 12 cup coffee maker!
