Happy Sunday! There are seven gifts God has given us as tools to use while here to help us in life. Our purpose in life is to use these tools to be a point of God's Light on earth and to shine and spread that light to others. I don't mean spread your light by pushing your beliefs onto someone else but by being so bright and living life so joyously that people just ask you how you got that way. You can also share your light through random acts of kindness and generosity and really make a difference in some one's life. I will go into each gift more elaborately over time but to start I will go ahead and list the seven tools/gifts and briefly describe them. I do want to mention that there is something very similar to this already out there but this is my version as it came to me to be shared. My hope is to each week cover the many aspects of the gifts below and give you tools to be able to use these gifts in your daily life to feel God's love for you. Shine your Light!
1) Balance--This gift helps us to live a balanced life through daily spiritual, mental, and physical practices to help us with "real life" stuff. When we fall too deeply into doing the same things everyday and ignore other parts of our lives we become off balanced and can miss the miracles God creates around us everyday.
2) Renewal--God gives us renewal when we seek it and happens naturally after we become balanced. This includes forgiveness of self and others and really starts to help open our lives up to see those around us and how we can make a difference.
3) Consciousness--We have the ability to think and search for higher knowledge and have an internal knowing of right and wrong to help guide and direct us in all situations. We have a choice to follow that guidance as it comes and be obedient to it for our highest good or we can not and continue in patterns until we decide to make a change.
4) Time--Time is so precious and it truly is a gift. We are all given different amounts of time here to learn, explore and appreciate the world around us. So often we take time for granite and how many times have you thought "I wish I had more time", but really you do, its a gift and all you have to do is ask for it. When you are balanced you will find you have all the time you need for the things that matter most.
5) Healing--Not only physical healing can have the biggest impact on our lives, healing through faith and belief are so very powerful! Healing of the mind and soul can help us through grief and confusion and give us understanding and/or peace about the things that happen in life that don't always make since. Sometimes release and letting go is the biggest part of healing and helps you to feel like you can breath again.
6) Power to Create--We all have Life Force Energy inside of us which is a piece of God. We can use our time here to choose to create a wonderful and fulfilling life and existence. This is our purpose! We are supposed to be happy and live our lives to our fullest potential! God has given us this ability and opportunity through Him! Take advantage of this gift now!
7) Love--Last but far from being least important is love; love is an energy of the highest kind that we are all able to feel and experience. Love is a choice, as all the gifts are, and can help our lives expand in ways we never realized. Love can encompass our passions, our gratitude's, our relationships and our lives to make not only your personal life extraordinary but the lives of those around you also.
I hope you'll stay tuned and check back often for the follow info as I dive into each of these. And as an FYI, nothing related to the above is pre-written so please be patient as I post the information as I get it. Please feel free to post questions or comments below and I will be glad to answer them. Have a wonderful day!

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