Thursday, February 12, 2015

Happy Surprises are All Around

You see what you want to see and you get what you expect. So why not want to see greatness, why not expect surprises and miracles at every turn. If you want wonderful things to happen in your life you have to show and tell the world that you do. When you first start to change your outlook on life I know it can seem like everything opposite of that shows up first but see it as a test and a change to show Spirit, God and your angels that you're ready and learning.

How you react to situations that appear to be negative can control your emotions and thoughts, but when you DO NOT react to situations and just step outside of them to find the good you stay in control of your emotions and thoughts. So what do you expect to see? I expect miracles, surprises and blessings everyday. I choose to not be reactive but to stay in control of my mind and emotions, I choose to find the lesson and blessing even in seemingly bad situations. God is everywhere waiting to be discovered, waiting to be known.

With Valentine's Day right around the corner you can use this day a chance to be surprised and in control. Try visualizing a great day you want to have and ask God and your angels for your eyes to open to the blessings all around. While expecting and wanting to see greatness is key, staying in gratitude for whatever comes is also key. So even if you don't see everything you want this Valentine's Day, stay in gratitude for what you do have because that will make every day great. These words aren't just happy words and talk, they truly are a way of life. Open up and ask for Divine help and you can be shown a whole new world of love and wonder. 

Love & Blessings

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