Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Are You Feeling Magical?

What's the fastest way to lift a bad mood or jump start your motivation? What do happy people have in common? Feeling magical, of course! So what does that really mean? It means taking a moment in your life when things just seemed to magically fall into place and remembering those feelings you had when that happened. Just remembering those feelings can start the turn around. Follow that up with more thoughts of gratitude and appreciation and that's a start towards success. 

It's a process of raising your energetic vibration by raising your thinking. Remember Peter Pan said to fly "You think of a wonderful thought." How true that is! Let your soul sore to magical heights by following the map of your thoughts. "All it takes is faith and trust...and just a little bit of pixie dust!" So trust yourself and let yourself dream, then believe in yourself and your vision and get ready to fly. Be kind and supportive to yourself, stop judging yourself and open up to the possibilities waiting for you. 

When you're ready to take action the best approach is a fun one. When the tasks infront of you seem daunting or too much like chores choose to see them as fun. It's always a choice, so even if it seems to be something you don't want to do continuing to affirm that fact only makes you feel worse. However, if you choose to find some fun in the task or come at it with a playful and magical attitude you'll find the magic is how much better you feel and how fast the task gets done. Mind over matter.

So, even for just a moment, anytime you find yourself in a mood or place you don't want to be just remember to "think of the happiest things. It's the same as having wings." Then watch as magically the thoughts, things and happenings around you shift into better and happier experiences. Stop trapping your mind and yourself; you control your mind, your thoughts, your experiences and situations in how you choose to see and respond to them. So choose to be magically and get happy! 

With Love,

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