Friday, July 11, 2014

Change Your Life Part 2

So maybe you're wondering what I meant about being "that person". You know, when you silently judge others because they have or do that thing we don't. Example: people who workout, people who eat healthy/vegetarian/organic etc., morning people, night owls, movers & shakers, business owners.....I think you get it now, they are "those people". If its "those people" you want to be like, and if it would truly improve your life, then go for it! Only you are holding yourself back from being one of "those people" and soon you can be "that person". You can be "that person" that other people look at and think "I wanna do that"! Do whatever you need to to get yourself motivated or inspired. If its pictures, music, reading something, whatever it is, surround yourself in it. Fully immerse yourself in it and you won't be able to help becoming the person you want to be. Sometimes it takes hard work and dedication but you'll likely love the changes you start to see in yourself and your life. Push yourself, challenge yourself and make the changes. Whether it starts with a simple 5 minute meditation, a healthy pick of something to eat, an easy 10 minute workout, it doesn't matter how small just start and stick to it. Once your body and mind adjust you'll increase your drive to do more naturally. Doing those positive things for yourself will become your lifestyle and not a new years resolution or a diet. Stop doing the same routine everyday and expecting changes; start a new routine that includes lots of changes and trying new things and make THAT your lifestyle! Love your life today! What changes do you want to make or who is "that person" you want to be?

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