Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Cleaning out the closet

I would post a before picture but I didn't take one and it would have been way too embarrassing to post. I spent part of my weekend cleaning out my closet as a start to my clutter clearing process. Let's just say the whole top of my closet had stuff shoved up there and I had no more room to hang anything and you couldn't even see the bottom of my closet. I can't believe I'm an adult either....At any rate, you see the results and I'm happy with them. I got out a few paper bags and started with the top of my closet pulling down all the stuff and going through it. Here's a guide to helping you sort through your stuff:

1) Do I wear it? / Can I still use it? 
    Yes: Then put it on a hanger or fold it and set it aside until you're ready to put things back in your closet. But be very honest with yourself, you may like it but if you're really never going to wear it just let it go, fold it up and put it in the bag and move on. Let yourself forget it and you'll feel better. 

   No: If you don't wear it or can't/won't use it anymore move on to the next question. 

2) Can someone else wear or use it? 

    Yes: Put it in your bag to pass along to some you know who can use it or needs it. Check around to see if there is someone who is maybe short on funds but could use your items to give your stuff to or worse case take it to Goodwill, but if someone can use it, pass it along and feel the joy of giving. If you're short on cash you can take your stuff to a consignment shop or a place that will buy your stuff outright. 

    No: No matter how much you like it, if you can't use go ahead and throw is away. For some reason I seem to collect purses that are broke. I guess I just like them even though I can't use them anymore so they just collect at the top of my closet. I finally let them go and actually it feels pretty good. =]

3) Do I just have an emotional attachment  to it? 

    Yes: This is the hard one for me. I form emotional attachments to some of the dumbest stuff and I tote it around forever. I'm not going to lie, it's seriously hard to get over. I have stuff given to me by friends or family that I've never worn or used but I'm afraid I'll hurt their feelings or I feel bad getting rid of it. Honestly, they'll probably never know and their maybe someone out there who would/could use it. So if you're really being honest and know you don't need it go ahead and pass it along and just think about how much someone else can enjoy it. To help curb people from giving you things you don't need or want you can let people know that you're cluttering clearing your home and getting down to basics and hope they'll pick up the hint. Or just be honest and tell them you really don't need to want anything else. And if you're one of those people that give stuff to people but it's not very practical, just refrain. I see stuff all the time that I could see bringing joy to people I know and love and can see their faces lighting up, but when I move past that, if I can't see them using it and I know it's just one of those things that will sit around and collect dust, I pass it up. But it never hurts to take a picture of the thing and send it the person and tell them you saw it and thought of them, that way they feel good knowing you thought of them but you can spare them the guilt of throwing it out later when they do their clutter clearing. Main thing to remember IT'S NOT PERSONAL! 

    No: Well then move it along! 
After I finished the top of my closet I moved down to the hanging stuff and then down to the floor. I cleared out at least 35% of the stuff in my closet. And yes I still stand at my closet in the morning and say I have nothing to wear, but I did that before I cleaned it out so that's nothing new, and I just see it as an opportunity to put new things in my closet and I've made a deal with myself that it's ok to get something new but I need to pass along something from my closet if I do. Please share your closet cleaning experiences and what you do to make it through. 

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