Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Who Are You?

Do you know who you are? Can you describe your divine being beyond your career, relationship status and rolls you play? Can you feel it in your soul, your reason for being?

You are the point of light where Spirit sparks and creates. You are the point where Spirit brought forth life. The Spirit in your parents was the divine tool used to create you, regardless of who or what they are or were.

When Spirit gave you life and you agreed to your soul contract, the great God and Goddess gave you so much power. Within you is a never ending, unbreakable connection to them, to Spirit, to Source.

This is your guide, your map, your way to who you are. Look within and ask “Who Am I?” and you will hear “You are the I Am, a precious gift, a beautiful blessing, a powerful soul and a meaningful being.”

If you don’t hear that, if your very being doesn’t vibrate and sing with that very truth, then get ready. I have worked with Spirit to create so many wonderful tools to help you find the I Am within.

Through listening and practice, following my guides and communing with Spirit, I Am bringing to you everything you need. Prepare you soul and stay tuned. You divine birthright is at hand for you to know who you are.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Energy & Creation

If we only knew how powerful we really are. There is an energy and power pulsing through the universe. It's in everything there is. Physics has discovered the vibrations and molecules making up all that there is. This same vibration and frequency makes us and even the air we breath pulse with power. 

When you get still and realize how small we are in this great big universe it can start to seem almost overwhelming. But if, while you are in that same stillness, you allow yourself to just feel, and not think, you can feel the energy all around you. This is your gift as a spirit being. 

We have the power to feel this energy and to take it, harness it, and use it for creation and more. When you open and allow the power to surge through you like a battery soaking up energy for use later, you can direct that power into what you are trying to create or become. 

Stop and realize the greatness that is you. You were put here to find and become the fullest possible version of yourself for your highest good and the good of others. Use this energy and power available to you to make great change first inside yourself, then in your life, and ultimately in the world. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

How to Make the "Aha!" Moments Happen

Have you ever had one of those "Aha!" moments? That wonderful moment in time when all the puzzle pieces fall miraculously into place and everything clicks and you can finally see the big picture? Those moments are amazing and I cherish every one of them! And the best is when that happens within your goals or whatever it is you're trying to accomplish.

The path becomes clear, the outcome assured, its a wonderful feeling. But it comes from trusting along the way and knowing you are divine guided. The Aha moments are God allowing you to peek into the grand design to help keep you going in those moments when you're ready to give up. It lets you know that no matter what you're facing, you're on the right path and just keep going.

Watch this week's Whitney on Wednesday and learn the key steps to helping those Aha moments along and take the challenge of the week! (There's an added bonus challenge this week I hope you'll enjoy,) And don't forget to use this week's Power Tools to help keep you motivated, feel free to Pin & share!

Thank you so much for stopping by and checking out this week's video. Please feel free to share and comment now. And if you want the bonus material be sure to sign up for the Monday Inspirational Mailer where you also get the week's Power Tools early. Sign up up top, it would make me so happy!! Have a blessed magical miracle manifested week!

With Love,